About Us

Christina Weppner: Professional History
Why Work with Weppner Architects?
Christina’s theater design experience is integral to her design- and thought-process: she is inspired to create the “ideal” space for her stars’ (clients’) lives. With every theatrical design project, she was charged with defining the physical stage that would deftly assist the actors in developing their storyline. She was responsible for ensuring that all the elements of the set would physically enhance – and not limit or disrupt – the development of the characters as they enacted their story.
As we all know, square footage is at a premium in the New York metropolitan area, and time is of the essence for busy professionals. As understanding and committed professionals, Weppner Architects will improve your home and/or workspace so that it not only looks “better,” but that it works better for you, reflecting your individuality and lifestyle.
Christina’s sophisticated aesthetic, and heritage in theatre design, offers clients a potent combination of elegance and flair. She is known for devising ingenious solutions for both small-spaced city apartments and flexible, formerly industrial lofts.
Our Philosophy
Christina Weppner’s design philosophy is deeply rooted in a refined elegance: her understanding of the nuances of color, line, balance, scale, and proportion.
Her approach is to engage in a collaborative relationship with each client sharing her expertise, knowledge and acumen in order to inspire extraordinary design solutions. She takes great joy in finding new approaches and exciting materials to incorporate into her work. Christina loves working with clients to help them discover their own self-expression – and then they can explore together finding innovative design elements for their living space.
With a deep understanding of the evocative qualities of color, the nature and range of materials, and a finely tuned, innate sense of scale and proportion, Christina knows how to make a space feel comfortable and welcoming. Once her design comes together, it is hard to imagine it any other way: it feels pleasurable and inevitable. She has the clarity of vision to integrate all of a room’s design components to achieve a functional, and visually stunning, architectural outcome.